Honoring Jim Keenan

Buck Keenan LLP mourns the loss and celebrates the life our founding partner and colleague, James Patrick Keenan. In 1990, Jim, along with John Buck, Bob Rouner and Glenn Ballard launched the firm now known as Buck Keenan, LLP. Jim saw an opportunity to practice law with his closest friends, deepen relationships with clients, and continue to provide extraordinary legal service on a more personal level. At Buck Keenan, LLP we seek to remain true to those foundational elements.
Jim was a gifted trial lawyer. His western Pennsylvania roots served him well in the courtroom and in his practice. Jim could make the complex simple. He saw things in black and white with a clear line between right and wrong and was a masterful communicator. Jim was particularly skilled in the difficult art of cross-examination and deposition taking. He was a calm competitor, learned from his many years on the gridiron. Those qualities, and his affable character, made him a success, as a lawyer, but more importantly as a person.
Jim was first and foremost a family man. Time with his wife and children was a priority and serves as a strong reminder to us in this profession which too often neglects home and family for work. In that regard, certainly Jim’s proudest years were those practicing with his son, Ted, at this firm. We will miss Jim, his wit, and his presence as a building block of this firm, but we are grateful for his gifts to us and his extraordinary contributions to this law firm.
In lieu of flowers, memorial contributions can be made to Catholic Charities of the Archdiocese of Galveston-Houston: https://catholiccharities.org/donate/

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